Friday, July 24, 2009

Guest Recipe - Wraps by my husband

My husband decided to take a bunch of food that I made and combine it into wraps that he declared to be absolute perfection. Here's what he came up with:

First he put some of my hummus on the wrap

Then, he added some tzatziki

Followed by chicken salad mix

And then he wrapped it all up to enjoy!


  1. This looks and sounds incredibly delicious. He did a wonderful job!!

  2. Give your hubby a big pat on the back! Great job!

  3. so cute to see a blog by your hubby looks great

  4. I love wraps for that reason. Anything goes! That looks delicious.

  5. oooh, yum! great job to your hubs!

  6. Your husband is just too cute. My Ole Sweetie-Pi would open the refrigerator door, peer in, and declare there was absolutely nothing to eat! LOL. Kudos to your hubby. The wrap does look delish!
