Friday, September 3, 2010

The Rotisserie Chicken

I really think that the rotisserie chicken is one of the greatest gifts that grocery stores have given us shoppers.  Think about it. You get a perfectly cooked, flavorful chicken, usually for less than the cost if you bought a chicken and cooked it yourself.  I get mine at Costco every 2 weeks, only $6.99 (CDN).  You can't beat that.  These chickens are so versatile.  Here's a small sampling of what you can do with one of these.  Please let me know your own uses for these chickens in the comments section - I'm always looking for ways to be inspired.

-chicken dinner
-chicken salad sandwiches
-chicken wraps
-chicken nachos
-BBQ chicken pizza
-chicken for baby food
-butter chicken
-chicken curry
-chicken in salad
-chicken burritos


  1. You know I'm a dummy. I don't know why I don't buy one each week and turn it into something more like you suggest! DUH! Thanks!

    Btw, I like your new look! Happy Friday!

  2. Oh, I sooo agree! I always forget about pre-rotisseried chicken, though. Why!? Thanks for the reminder. I haven't stopped by in a while, so I don't know if the "look" is new or not...but I really like it! =)

  3. thanks for the feedback ladies - and yes, the look is new, I just put it up this week

  4. I rarely buy these, but I love 'em. How 'bout chicken noodle or chicken tortilla soup??

  5. what a wonderful blog! the rotisserie chicken sure is a saver, has great taste and low price.
