Sunday, August 29, 2010

Egg White Omelet

My husband is very much into his own diet plan these days.  He is determined that his lunches be 300 calories (or thereabouts).  He has a few staples in place and I have to admit that I've picked up this one as one of my new favorite things - the egg white omelet.  We've made it a few different ways, but each way starts pretty much the same.  It is so tasty and so filling that you really don't need anything else until supper.

The Base - heat a little bit of Olive Oil or margarine in a frying pan over medium heat.  Then cook your veggies in it until they are starting to soften.  We like to use onion, bell peppers (usually red or yellow), sliced mushrooms (cooking the mushroom through is key) as our regulars.  We've also used grated zuchini and sliced tomato. Once your veggies are cooked add the egg white.  I add 1/2 cup of egg white (if you don't like just egg whites, mix 1/2 cup egg whites with 1 egg instead) .  Let it cook through on one side.  Add a little bit of cheese in and flip.  The omelet in the picture has cheddar, but the best we've made has feta instead.  Let it cook before flipping onto your plate.  I have to say I'm no expert at this and it can look pretty messy, but the taste is amazing.  Grate a little more cheese on.  Add a little salt and pepper or parsley and you're set. 

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