Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Tale of 3 Avocados

We bought a 3 pack of avocados in our shop. With the 1st we made smaller guacamole. The 2nd we put into a salad. The 3rd I credit my husband with. He created a really yummy dip.
1 Avocado
a dollop of Renee's Cesar dressing
a good shake of Cajun spice
Mash the avocado and mix in the rest. Enjoy with tortilla chips.


  1. I love avocado, just ate one for breakfast, I know call me strange, but this recipe sounds great.

    The title sounds like a great poem!

  2. It doesn't get much easier than this and I love easy:-).This is my first visit to your blog. I'll be back often. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  3. mmm, i love guac, this looks great!

  4. Very nice! I avocado but don't like onions and tomatoes with it.

  5. Yummm. I really like avocado. I am a great admirer of someone who can put ingredients together and come up with something delicious.
