Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Best Shortbread

So I'm really, really behind on my blog posting. Yes, this was a pre-Christmas recipe that just didn't make it (I don't think I posted in December at all!) But the recipe is too good not to share and I have the pictures now anyway, so the next few days will have some treats posted in them.
This recipe was passed down from my mom who got it from her Uncle Eddie's neighbours, some nuns in Saskatchewan from long ago. The base recipe is good on its own. I change it up by adding some dried cranberries to it. My mom told me this year she dipped half of each of her cookies into chocolate which was delicious too. Here's the base recipe:

1 lb butter
1/2 C cornstarch
3 C flour
1 C icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Cream together butter and sugar. Add flour, cornstarch and vanilla. Beat together. Form dough into a log and slice 1/4 inch thick for each cookie. Bake at 300* for 12 minutes.


  1. Absolutely love shortbread. I do not have a go to shortbread recipe yet, Ill have to try these. Nice to see u back.

  2. Hey there, my friend! Good to see you here.

    I haven't tried a cookie like this with the cornstarch so I'm going to have to try these. I do love a quick and easy cookie so these have really caught my attention and interest. I'm thinking of swapping out the vanilla with some lemon extract.....

  3. Thanks for the reception ladies! Katy-the lemon sounds so good for this recipe too!
