Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Post 100 is...Cheeseburgers!

So I'm still not on par with my blogging life, but I'll get there. Today was my last day of work for a little while (ahh, summer vacation), and what better way to celebrate what I consider to be the beginning of summer than a post about homemade burgers and potato salad?

Burger Patties

1 lb lean ground beef
1 egg
1/4 cup bread crumbs
1/4 cup BBQ sauce of your choice

Mix everything together with your hands. Shape into patties, your preference of size. BBQ. Add more BBQ sauce as the burgers are cooking for additional flavour. Add cheese to melt on if you wish.

Potato Salad

6-8 potatoes, peeled and cut into 1 inch chunks
2 eggs
1/4 cup diced red onion
2 generous spoons of light mayo
a good squirt of mustard
salt and pepper
dash of paprika

Boil potatoes until cooked. Boil eggs until they are hard boiled. Cool both. Peel and chop eggs when cool. In a medium bowl add all the ingredients except paprika together. Mix together. Sprinkle paprika on top.


  1. Congrats on your 100th post! Love the sound of breadcrumbs and bbq sauce in the burgers, delicious!

  2. I am craving this too! YUMMY meal...

  3. What is it about a good old hamburger on a whole wheat bun next to salad and corn...that just says "ahhhhh"? I haven't a clue, but yours looks SO inviting. Congrats on your 100th post, thats a LOT of cooking.

  4. Mmmm...so glad summer is finally here!

  5. looks great have a great vacation lOL

  6. The quintessential summer food! YUM!

    Happy 100th post. Wishing you many more delicious posts!!

  7. Yay...congrats on 100 posts! I love a good burger :D

  8. This is my husband's kind of dinner and I definitely don't make either one often enough. Maybe I'll have to surprise him one of these days...

  9. Now you have me wanting to make these cheeseburgers for supper! I am drooling.

    Congratulations on your 100th post.

  10. The classics are classics for a reason! Love the summer grilling fare. Happy 100!

  11. Happy 100th! I could go for one of your cheeseburgers about now!

  12. Krista, I just realized that I wasn't on your Followers. I am such a goof. I certainly intended to be. I'm learning new things everyday, so I hope you forgive my apparent oversight. It was not intentional. I LOVE your blog and coming here and visiting with you!
