Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pay it Forward Giveaway Winners!

In my very non-scientific method of pulling a name out of hat we have 2 winners of the Pay it Forward Giveaway!
First, my son let me use his Bruins hat because as he says, "a hockey hat will make your blog cooler mom"

He got to reach in, very serious-like, to draw the first name

And the frist winner is Carrie of

My youngest got to pick the second name (it was trickier to see the name on this paper) and the winner was Karen of Green Onions (

Congratulations ladies - send me your mailing address ASAP so I can send you off some goodies :o)


  1. congrats to the winners your boys are so cute

  2. Thanks so much, Kristen! I'm looking forward to my own giveaway!

  3. I just had the fun and pleasure of choosing the winners of my own giveaway this morning. Thanks for introducing me to it!

  4. Hi Kristen,

    Your package arrived with so many lovely items! I really appreciate your generosity and I know I will enjoy the Montreal spices, Smarties, Sugar & Vanilla blend (it's pretty and smells heavenly) and my favorite......the cute and ingenious mini silicone baking cups! It was fun seeing a postcard of your beautiful city. Thanks so much!

