Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Grilled Cheese

No, I'm not going to teach you how to make grilled cheese, you all already know (and if you don't let me know in the comments and I'll msg you back how). I impulsively bought a loaf of Italian bread this week and started to get a craving. Now, there's nothing nutritionally great about this sandwich. The bread is white, the cheese is processed and the dip is ketchup. To me this is comfort. Sided with a glass of milk there's nothing like it. Now, I may get fancy and make it with sliced turkey and smoked gryere on multigrain flax bread, but really I come back to this, the basic North American sandwich. Ain't it good?


  1. I love grilled cheese sammies, put a slice of tomato in there and I'm in heaven! Grill cheese don't have to be fancy, they're already good!

  2. Love grilled cheese sandwiches, especially with a steaming bowl of tomato soup!

  3. I've been making lot of grilled cheese sandwiches lately too! Definitely comfort food.

  4. I love your ode to grilled cheese. We just enjoyed some last night, although yours look a little fancier than ours. :)

  5. I love your thick slices of bread. I eat my grilled cheese dipped in ketchup too. I also like to add tomato slices to mine.

  6. Grilled cheese is one of my all-time faves...I think I lived on it in college :P

  7. Grilled cheese just make everything good!

  8. There is nothing better than a grilled cheese sandwhich and some soup!

  9. some days there is no sub for a good ol' grilled cheese, and yours is beautiful :)

  10. We eat a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches here as well, sometimes with tomato, sometimes with ham, sometimes with both ham and tomato! You can't go wrong. And I agree with Donna, fantastic with a bowl of tomato soup!!!

  11. To me, it is grilled cheese and tomato soup. Heaven. mmmm
