Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chestnut Stuffing

This was my mother-in-law, Carole's recipe, much sought out by my husband. Apparently he and his mom were the only ones who really liked it. I don't know why, it's really delicious! I think the trick is to cook the chestnuts in the milk the day before you do the rest (and really let the chestnuts simmer). This was my big accomplishment of the Christmas dinner this year, not just making the dressing, but nailing it. Jonathan said it was the best he'd ever had that. This was the first time I've made one of his mom's recipe's where that was the response. And ladies you know how hard an admission that is :o)

1 lb Chestnuts
2 oz breadcrumbs
1 oz margarine
heap tsp sugar
salt to taste
egg to bind

Prick chestnuts and and boil in water for 5 minutes. Peel. (this is the tricky part, make sure you discard any nuts that look rotten). Place good nuts in pan and cover with milk. Boil until tender (really let it simmer until it looks like a big sticky paste.) Rub through sieve and cool (this just lets the nuts separate a bit but keep all the mixture, nuts and milk).
Add other ingredients.
Place wax paper to line a loaf pan (extra sticking out to cover the stuffing in a packet). Place stuffing mixture inside. Wrap into a packet and cover with foil. Bake at 350* for about half an hour. The trick is to let it cook long enough to bind together but not so long as to dry it out.

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